Friday, November 13, 2009

How do I make my hydrangeas grow back?

The flowers of my hydrangea plant just wilted and died. But the plant is still alive and the leaves are still healthy. How can I make the flowers grow back?

How do I make my hydrangeas grow back?
If the flowers on it now have died, they are finished and you can cut them off. You may have more coming on or there will be more next year. Because of the large leaves which lose water more readily, hydrangeas need plenty of water; just a tip.
Reply:Your blossoms will form next year on reeds that are produced this year, so my advice is to cut it back to about 4" above the crown of the root ball and it will grow back.
Reply:Trim it back it might bloom again, but most hydrangeas have a one time bloom cycle. Good Luck. Try buying an Endless Summer or Limelight hydrangeas, they are repeat bloomers.
Reply:Just leave it and water it and feed it some miracle grow, you might still get a few flowers this year if not you are getting it strong for next year.
Reply:It's a seasonal plant, it should come up again for you. Check this out...good info.

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