Friday, November 13, 2009

I'm planting my Hydrangeas. My cat uses the dirt. Will her urine kill the flowers? What preparation can I do?

Should I mix compost in? Completely remove all the dirt? What?

I'm planting my Hydrangeas. My cat uses the dirt. Will her urine kill the flowers? What preparation can I do?
Her urine will probably kill the flowers. How about keeping her inside %26amp; getting a litter pan? Did you know that indoor/outdoor cats live an average of 5-6 yrs %26amp; that an indoor only cat lives an average of 19 yrs?
Reply:We just planted some flowers recently and our cats got into them overnight. To deter them, we put chicken wire down on the soil all around the flowers. As far as I can tell so far, the wire bothers their feet and keeps them out, so it might be something for you to try.

Good luck.
Reply:You can scatter dolomite lime on the soil.

When your cat pees, she'll be creating a neutral acid/alkaline, rather than throwing it all off.

Don't work a whole lot of lime into the soil before-hand. Just a sprinkling at the top, under the bark or other mulch, is fine. Then water it in.

Don't plant the hydrangeas in a giant litter box yourself if you could be pregnant.

Also, don't plant veggies there.

The Lime will help to de-stinkify the poo-ies she'll happily bury into the newly loosened soil.

She's a good kitty, she just knows a good bit of ground when she paws it!

Get the Lime. You'll know it's okay for her to go where it comes naturally.

Pet that kitty once for me.
Reply:well, this guy who adviced u to use lime is very correct. there is a bloody neighbour cat who kept coming into my garden and sh''''tting there. i sprayed cat repellent on the perimeter and put lime pellets all over my garden. bloody cat doesn't come any more. but first u find out in which soil hydrangeas like to be. if they like acid soil liming it would kill them. good luck
Reply:Cats detest the smell of citrus fruits..scatter orange peels throughout the area..
Reply:I own 5 cats they haven't killed the flowers yet!


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